Why Residual Income and Associate Programs Are the Wave of the Future

Why Residual Income and Associate Programs Are the Wave of the Future
What is residual income and why are people looking for it? Continue to read on and educate yourself. Lots of people fail to understand how residual income is different from linear income. The average person in the work force focuses on earning a linear income. They believe this is the only way to earn a legitimate income. With so many scams out there they have shut themselves off to other alternatives that have the potential to earn them thousands of dollars a year.

Lots of us work the 40 - 50 year plan. We start work at the age 20-25 and work until we are 65 or 70. What if you found the right opportunity and work a four to five year plan instead of the dreaded 40 - 50 year plan? Linear income is definitely not way to accomplish this.

Linear income is generated from a fee, wage, commission or salary. This form of income simply put is trading hours for dollars. Quite frankly, with the economy the way it is, more and more people every day are looking for residual incomes that will change their lives, with their income and also their health.

So that leads us to residual income. Another word for residual income is leveraged income. Residual income is revenue that occurs over time from work done one time. In other words, residual income will pay you for work from the beginning. Not everyone can write a book or sing a song to create a residual income but everyone can find something that will work for them to create this type of income. Have you ever told someone about a good book or a great restaurant? Of course you have! That is how residual income is created.

Residual income has huge advantages. Once you have a plan, and things are set in motion, you can continue to earn money from your initial efforts for years and years. Imagine having time to enjoy life and find the freedom that you have dreamt about. What would it feel like to fire your boss and become your own boss? That sounds great doesn't it? Let's talk about what to look for and how to find the right company and opportunity. Focus on looking at stable companies above average associate programs. Thousands of people are joining the trend in direct sales.

Associate programs have lots of different names. They can be called affiliate, reseller, or referral programs. Today we will use the name associate. Most companies will give an I.D. number to its distributors so that it can track the source of each sale and compensate appropriately. A compensation plan with the right company can pay millions over time.

It is wise to look for a company with a great compensation plan and products that are making a difference in the world. Right now one of the fastest growing markets is in the health and wellness industry. Everyone seems to be looking for better health. The United States is facing a health care crisis and it looks like there is no end in sight. Could you get behind a company that has products that allows a person to reduce medications, doctor visits, and promotes faster recovery from illnesses and helps supports long-term prevention of chronic diseases? Are you willing to commit to 7 - 10 hours a week to earn an additional income of 500 - 1500 a month? The more time you commit the larger your check will be. Other considerations are, see if the compensation plan pays a one-time commission, rather than recurring, or do they pay residual compensation for your effort

Start looking for a nutritional company that supports its distributors and has products that are backed in science and has a proven track record. Nobody wants to join a fly by night company, here today and gone tomorrow. Check for credibility. Are they in standing with the Better Business Bureau? Do they manufacture their own products so that they have complete control over the ingredients and the suppliers? Everyone knows of products recalls. Make sure your company is on top of this with good quality control. A company with a good track record, outstanding products, and a great compensation plan can help you build residual income.

The next thing to look for is a compensation plan which is willable for generations. You can create a legacy for your loved ones and for their loved ones. Do your homework and choose a company by using the information provided. The thing is to get started in creating your legacy of residual income. One key thing to remember is not to take advice from someone who is worse off than you are! Listen to your heart and start building your residual income today. Whatever you choose, become passionate about it and you will go far.

Sarah Thoenen